在 python 3.5 的輸入列表中添加美元符號、逗號和大括號 (Adding dollar signs, commas and curly brackets to input list in python 3.5)


在 python 3.5 的輸入列表中添加美元符號、逗號和大括號 (Adding dollar signs, commas and curly brackets to input list in python 3.5)

當我在 python 3.5 中打印代碼時,我想在我的代碼中添加 $、逗號和大括號

list1 = input('enter four numbers')


print ('numbers are: ${:,.2f}',format(list1))


numbers are: ${:,.2f} 6 7 8 9 


{$12.95, $1,234.56, $100.00, $20.50}


方法 1:

You might want to use something like:

"Numbers are " + ' '.join("${:,.2f}".format(n) for n in list1)

There are basically three operands here:

"Numbers are " +
# Just the simple string tacked on the front

' '.join( ... )
# Joins its contents with a space separator

"${:,.2f}".format(n) for n in list1
# Creates a list of the strings with the requested formatting.

Unroll that backwards to build a list of the properly formatted strings, join them with a space separator, and tack them on to the end of your static string.

(by West LawrenceAdam Smith)


  1. Adding dollar signs, commas and curly brackets to input list in python 3.5 (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#string #Python #python-3.x


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